See what goes into Calcium Sennosides (Senokot®) Laxative Tablets to make them a natural solution to constipation.
Calcium Sennosides (Senokot®) Tablets only use natural Senna; because when it comes to managing or gently relieving
constipation, the Senna plant has over a thousand years of experience.
What is Senna?
Senna is a plant that’s been grown and harvested as a natural laxative for over 3,500 years.
In modern times, the laxative effects of the Senna plant have been identified as sennosides.
How does senna work?
The Senna used in Calcium Sennosides (Senokot®) Tablets is the deseeded and dried pods of the Cassia Acutifolia Delile,
otherwise known as the Alexandrian Senna.
To ensure a standardized dose and consistent potency in every tablet, we only use the deseeded pods of the Senna plant
ground up into a fine standardized powder.
The sennosides (or Senna glycosides) found within the Senna plant stimulate a series of comfortable wave-like contractions
called peristalsis to help encourage bowel movements and ease constipation.