References :
- Senna (2018). Retrieved from
- Marciniak C, et. al. Lubipostrone vs Senna in postop orthopedic surgery with opioid induced constipation: a double-blind, active comparator trial. World Journal of Gastroenterology. 2014; 20: 16323-16333.
- Selby W & Corte C. Managing Constipation in Adults. Australian Prescriber. 2010. 33(4): 116-119.
Product Details
Regular Strength Tablet
Generic Name: Calcium Sennosides
Strength: 8.77mg/tab
Dosage :
Adults : 2 tablets (max. dose 4 tabs twice a day)
Children above 60 lbs. : 1 tablet (max. dose 2 tabs twice a day)
*preferably to be taken at bedtime.